The 4th of July is my second favorite day (Only to follow Halloween). I love fireworks. I love hot summer days. I love being outside. I love eating food. So, overall it just includes a lot of things I like. I had a long debate, with myself of course, the past few days which blue to use as my 4th color. I had narrowed it down between Ocean Breeze and Shelter Island. And as much as I have been wanting Shelter Island and to use it, I decided that Ocean Breeze was slightly darker and more of an “American” blue, so here it is.
This is one of the Sonia Kashuk’s that has been in literally at least four magazines I have read the past month. It’s a great color. Everytime I look at it, I just want to be on the beach somewhere (Which is regular fantasy of mine anyhow). This blue is sort of like a sky blue, actually like the color of the cloudless sky we have here in Chicago today, but deeper. The formula on this polish was slightly thin. However, they doesn’t really bother me all that much. The finish is also very jelly. It’s very shiny, glossy, and smooth. This is a very fun summery color. I’m glad I chose it, I needed a little pick me up today.
Have a fun, long weekend,